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2011-11-22 10:26     (点击: )
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序号 论文题目 作者 发表刊物 发表时间 层次 备注
1 L(k)-index:一种支持标签路径的高效k双拟结构索引 李晓光 计算机学报 2011 校A级  
2 Adaptive distributed detection approach for pulmonary nodules一种自适应的分布式肺结节检测方法 周翰逊(第一作者兼通讯作者) 仪器仪表学报Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument 2010.vol 31:2312-2316 校A级  
3 Wavelet-Based Pseudo Period Detection on Time Series Stream基于小波的时间序列流伪周期检测方法 李晓光(第一作者兼通讯作者) Journal of Software软件学报 2010,Vol.21No.9 2161-2172 校A级  
4 Sliding Multi-windows Based Trend Change Detection on Time Series Stream基于滑动多窗口的时间序列流趋势变化检测 李晓光(第一作者兼通讯作者) ACTA Electronica Sinica电子学报 2010,Vol.21No.9 321-326 校A级  
5 基于CDN的流媒体动态调度算法   Dynamic scheduling algorithm for streaming media based on CDN 杨戈                    (第一作者,通讯作者) 通信学报  Journal on Communications     2009. 30(2):42-46  2009. 30(2):42-46 校A级  
6 基于信息论的潜在概念获取与文本聚类 李晓光 软件学报 2008\9 校A级  
7 DLRD:A P2P Grid Resource Discovery Mechanism for Pynamic Load-balance                  DLRD:一种支持动态负载均衡的p2p网格资源发现机制 宋宝燕 通信学报 2008\8 校A级  
8 A Replica Creation Approach of Grid Service with State Based on Virtual Workshop              一种基于虚拟工作空间的有状态网格服务副本复制方法 宋宝燕 电子学报 2008\10 校A级  
9 带有高效索引的语义Web服务I/O匹配优化方法 冯勇 计算机应用 201103 校B级  
10 Small World Routing Algorithm of Wireless Sensor Network基于小世界的无线传感器网络的路由算法 任秀丽(第一作者兼通讯作者) Journal of Computer Applications计算机应用 2010.vol.30.NO.9 2497-2500 校B级  
11 资源动态组织支持的网格依赖任务重调度机制
Resources’ Dynamic Organization Supported Grid Dependent Tasks Rescheduling Mechanism
陈廷伟(第一作者) 小型微型计算机系统
Journal of Chinese Computer Systems         
2009.12第30卷,第12期 2389-2397 校B级  
12 一种基于测距的无线传感网sybil攻击检测方法                                     Method of detecting the sybil attack based on ranging in wireless sensor network 任秀丽(第一作者) 计算机应用        2009.Vol.29 No.6 1628-1631 校B级  
13 无线传感器网络中一种有效支持连续窗口查询的方法                                               A method effective supporting continuous window query in wireless sensor networks 宋宝燕(第一作者) 小型微型计算机系统           2009(Vol.30(3))p466~471 校B级  
14 一种改进的多速率组播拥塞控制协议                    DAMCC:Improved multi-rate multicast congestion control protocol 薛建生(第一作者) 计算机应用 Journal of Computer Applications     Vol.29No.10,2599-2602 校B级  
15 面向多领域资源的汉英双语语料库构建的研究 李晓光 计算机应用 2008\1 校B级  
16 基于滑动窗口的支持泛在应用的流聚类挖掘算法  宋宝燕 小型微型计算机系统 2008\12 校B级  
17 基于label的空间叠置方法及在嵌入式GIS中的应用 邰滢滢 计算机应用 2008\8 校B级  
18 信息构建在高校门户网站建设中的应用 宋丽丽 中国教育信息化 2008,(21):45-47    
19 Method of detecting the Sybil attack based on ranging in wireless sensor network 任秀丽(第一作者兼通讯作者) The 5th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing 2009 EI  
20 An Intelligent Recommendation Method of E-Commerce Based on Ontology(一种基于本体的电子商务智能推荐方法) 冯勇(第一作者兼通讯作者) Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Business Intelligence and Financial Engineering (BIFE2009)(第二届商务智能与财政工程国际会议) 2009 EI  
21 Effectively Answering Schema-free XML Queries over Document-centric Data 李晓莉(第一作者兼通讯作者) 2009 Ninth International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems 2009 EI  
22 Pseudo Period Detection on Time Series Stream with Scale Smoothing 李晓光(第一作者兼通讯作者) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Advances in Data and Web Management) 2009 EI  
23 基于粗糙集的启发式值约简的改进算法 Improved heuristic algorithm used in attribute value reduction of rough set 张利(第一作者兼通讯作者) 仪器仪表学报,Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument 2009 EI  
24 bSpace:A Data Cleaning Approach for RFID Data Streams Based on Virtual Spatial Granularity  宋宝燕(第一作者兼通讯作者) HIS 2009 2009 EI  
25 A Real-time Scheduling Strategy Based on Priority in Data Stream System  王妍(第一作者兼通讯作者) HIS 2009 2009 EI  
26 An algorithm of fast generating reversible progressive meshes一种快速生成的可逆累进网格算法 范铁生(通讯作者兼第一作者) 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Knowledge Acquisition and Modeling Workshop Proceedings, KAM 2008知识获取与建模2008国际会议 2008 EI  
27 An algorithm of fast generating reversible progressive meshes一种基于提升小波系数的均值量化数字水印算法 范铁生(通讯作者兼第一作者) 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Knowledge Acquisition and Modeling Workshop Proceedings, KAM 2008知识获取与建模2008国际会议 2008 EI  
28 Novel stereo matching method on multi-scale harris corner points基于多尺度harris角点新立体匹配方法 范铁生(通讯作者兼第一作者) 2008 International Symposium on Computer Science and Computational Technology (ISCSCT)计算机科学与计算技术2008国际会议 2008 EI  
29 OFDM information hiding method by preposition embedded QIM前置嵌入QIM的OFDM信息隐藏方法 范铁生(通讯作者兼第一作者) 2008 International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling Control and Automation, CIMCA 2008建模控制与自动化的计算智能2008国际会议 2008 EI  
30 A Dependent Tasks Scheduling Model in Grid                              网格依赖任务调度模型 陈廷伟         第一、通讯  Proceedings of 10th Asia-Pacific Web Conference,APWeb  2008,vol 4976.P136-147 EI  
31 Design a stabilizing AQM controller based on fuzzy sliding mode control 尹凤杰        第一、通讯  2008 IEEE International Symposium on Knowledge Acqiuisition and Modeling Workshop Proceedings    2008.vol 1(2).p440-443 EI  
32 Design of user view of E_Learning systems based on analysis of learning context                     基于学习情境分析的E_Learning系统用户视图设计 徐红艳 第一作者  计算机辅助设计与图形学学报,  2008, 20(7): 906-911 EI  
33 Research on the Construction of E_Learning System Meeting Post Knowledge Demand                       面向岗位知识需求的E_Learning系统构建研究 徐红艳  第一作者  2008 International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering, CSSE  2008  p214-217 EI  
34 Research on the Construction of Customer-centered Integrative Knowledge Push System          以客户为中心的集成知识推送系统构建研究 冯勇   第一作者   International Symposium on Electronic Commerce and Security, ISECS  2008.p971-975 EI  
35 Design on Post Knowledge Push System for Knowledge-based Organization             面向知识型组织的岗位知识推送系统设计 冯勇    第一作者   4th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing,  WiCOM2008 EI  
36 An Improved Algorithm for Attribute Reduction and
Rule Generation
张利       第一、通讯   信息与计算科学Journal of Information and Computational Science             2008.Vol.5 No.6.2611-2618 EI  
37 A Chaotic Encryption Algorithm Based on Control Word                基于控制字的混沌加密算法 张利       第一、通讯   信息与计算科学                     Journal of Information and Computational Science   2008.Vol.5 No.6.2529-2536 EI  
38 Multipath Routing Based on Ant Colony System in Wireless Sensor Network  任秀丽          第一、通讯  2008 International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering    2008.vol3.p202-205 EI  
39 Discrete Sliding Mode Controller Design for Active Queue Management          基于TCP/AQM的离散滑模控制器设计 岳承君        第一、通讯   系统仿真学报 Journal of System Simulation   2008,vol20(13).3504-3506. EI  
40 A Hierarchical Replica Location
Approach Based on Cache Mechanism and Load Balancing in Data Grid
宋宝燕        第一、通讯  Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences  2008 Vol 4976. p148~153 EI  
41 An Effective Approach for Continuous Window Query in Wireless Sensor Networks 宋宝燕      第一、通讯  Pro. Of the 9th  intel. Conf. for Young Computer Scientists  2008 P504~509 EI  
42 Robust congestion control for uncertain input-delay network systems                         不确定输入延时网络系统的鲁棒拥塞控制 尹凤杰 Control and Decision 2007,v22,n2,p198-201 控制与决策(月刊) 2007\2 EI  
43 A new way based on relative forward delay to improve TCP performance over heterogeneous networks 曲大鹏 IEEE WICOM 2007\9 EI  
44 Design and Implementation of a Perception-obtaining System 徐红艳 第一届教育中的信息技术与应用国际会议,2007年 2007\11 EI  
46 一种限定非TCP友好流最大界的网络拥塞模型 岳承君 辽宁大学学报(自然科学版) 201011 EI  
47 An Evaluation Method of Knowledge Push’ Effect Based on AHP 冯勇 the Chinese Symposium on Information Science and Technology, CSIST 2010 201012 EI  
48 A Design of Distributed Data Mining Model Based on Agent 徐红艳 The 1st International Conference on Engineering and Business Management (EBM2010) 2010, 4972-4975 EI  
49 The Research of the Core Inherited Tree in Softerware Network 李鹏 The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Advanced Computer Control January 18, 2011, p388-392 EI  
50 An Improved DOM-based Algorithm for Web
Information Extraction
张利 Journal of Information & Computational Science 201103 EI  
51 Research and Design of Real-time Human Body Video Acquisition System 张利 2011 8th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery 201103 EI  
52 An Improved Speech Recognition Algorithm Based on DHMM for isolated worlds LOD 模型简化算法 张利 Journal of Information & Computational Science 2011 EI  
53 The extraction algorithm of moving objects under mixed realities 张利 International Journal of image and graphics 2011 EI  
54 A Method for Fault Diagnosis of Analog Circuit Based on Rough Set 张利 3rd International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology 2011 EI  
55 Verification of Timing Constraints Consistency on Web Service Composition based on ETPN 陈廷伟 Applied Mechanics and Materials(EI杂志) 201104 EI  
56 Research on exception handling mechanism based on directed graph in service composition 陈廷伟 Applied Mechanics and Materials(EI杂志) 201104 EI  
57 Frame Design of the Third-party Information Support Platform Oriented to Full Lifecycle of Virtual Enterprise 冯勇 2011 International Conference on Information Technology for Manufacturing Systems (ITMS 2011)Applied Mechanics and Materials 201105 EI  
58 Research and Design of Real-time Human Body Video Acquisition System 张利 Eighth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD) 201107 EI  
59 An Improved DOM-based Algorithm for Web Information Extraction 张利 Journal of Information & Computational Science 8: 7 (2011) 1113{1121 201107 EI  
60 A Survey of Digital Video Watermarking 张利 2011 Seventh International Conference on Natural Computation 201107 EI  
61 A Survey of Rational Approximation Algorithms of Offset Curves 张利 Journal of Information & Computational Science 8: 8 (2011) 1373{1381 201108 EI  
62 A Method for Fault Diagnosis of Analog Circuit Based on Rough Set 张利 3rd International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology  September  28-30 201109 EI  
63 The fine-grained scan technology to restore file and the effectiveness analysis 冯东晖 会议论文 201109 EI  
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